Hometown Hill Program
A collaboration between the Bruce School District & Christie Mountain to provide a recreational opportunity for our Hometown Youth.
Our Mission.
To provide any student in grades 3-12 enrolled in the Bruce School District their very own Season Pass + Ski & Snowboard rental.
We firmly believe that teaching our youth how to ski and snowboard confidently, offers a number of health benefits and positive life experiences.
In addition to free skiing & Snowboarding we have a number of volunteer and employment opportunities.

The Perks.
Skiing & Snowboarding
The cost of skiing and snowboarding can often prohibit participation in winter sports. Which is why this program is completely FREE to all Bruce School students grades 3 - 12.
Ski Lessons.
Learn the safe way. Included in the program is FREE ski lessons. Although snowboard equipment is included in the program, we do not included snowboard lessons as a perk. Snowboard lesson pricing can be found HERE.
Equipment Provided.
We recently invested in a brand new fleet of skis & snowboards. Now, any student has the opportunity to ride new and well maintained equipment regardless if they own their own gear.
Workforce Development.
We employ 50+ seasonal staff members each winter and have found teens age 16 and older make great employees who are enthusiastic about our industry. Our goal is to help those teens gain positive work experience and grow healthy work habits that they carry with them into adulthood.
Volunteer Opportunities.
Becoming an Instructor or Patroller can help youth when applying for scholarships, colleges and jobs. Opportunities through Ski and Snowboard School & National Ski Patrol could set the foundation for a lifetime of giving.

Join the program!
The only requirements to participating in the Hometown Hill Program are that you are enrolled in the Bruce School Grades 3 - 12 and that your paperwork is completed and turned into the school office by the October 1st.